
Monday September 9th - 3-11pm EST

This Monday we're going prehistoric and futuristic! What kind of combo is that, you may ask? A freaking awesome one!


If you're in need of grounding, balancing, creativity, or intuition, this show is for you! There are so many stones that can lend a helping hand in your spiritual journey.


We have some amazing new stock to show you, we have more Aura Kyanite, adorable Dino Carvings, Raw Quartz Points, and even MORE than you've ever seen before!


Take a trip with us on this crazy and fun-filled show this Monday from 3-11pm EST!

Fairy Forest

Tuesday September 10th - 3-11pm EST

Take a walk with us through the Fairy Forest! 🧚


The crystals on this show are all about love, spirituality, expression, and opening your throat chakra! We have a lot of beauties on this show, like Feather Amethyst, Fluorite, Labradorite, Serpentine, and MORE! 


Get enchanted this Tuesday from 3-11pm EST! 🌟


Wednesday September 11th - 12-10pm EST

Happy Bead Day! 🎉 We have a new show time, which is now 12pm-10pm EST!


This Bead Day we have a bunch of SUPER RARE BEADS! Buckle up and get ready, because we have Malachite, JET, Bumblebee Jasper, Kyanite, Phosphosiderite, and MORE!

Grab your coffee and get comfy, and join us from 12pm-10pm EST! 🧵

That's so Raven

Thursday September 12th - 5-11pm EST

Do you ever wish that you could go back to the early 2000's, walking home from school, grabbing a snack out of the cabinet, sitting down and watching your FAVOURITE TV shows for a couple hours before your parents got home and you had to do your homework? Well, this Thursday you might get a little taste of that feeling! 🤩


We're bringing you some of our new stock, including Gemstone Raven Skulls, Fire Moss Agate, Indigo Fluorite, Trolleite, and MORE!


Make sure to catch this show from 5-11pm EST on Thursday!

Makers show!

Friday September 13th - 11-4pm EST

This Friday we have so many amazing Gemstone Pendants for y'all! We have some never before seen pendants, like super High Quality Rainbow Fluorite, Kunzite, Aquamarine, and MORE! 🌟


Now, the pièce de résistance, Auralite-23! This gem is ultra rare, only being discovered 20 years ago and only having one known place of origin, which is Lake Superior, one of the 5 Great Lakes. It's also known as Red Cap Amethyst, because of the 23 minerals that are present in it, Amethyst is the most prominent mineral. After that, Quartz, Hematite, and even Gold and Silver make up quite a bit of this stone as well!


Come get your goodies from 11am-4pm EST on Friday!